Ras GTPase-activating protein-binding protein 2;Isoform B of Ras GTPase-activating protein-binding protein 2

Scaffold protein that plays an essential role in cytoplasmic stress granule formation which acts as a platform for antiviral signaling (PubMed:23279204, PubMed:32302570, PubMed:32302571, PubMed:32302572). Plays an essential role in stress granule formation (PubMed:27022092, PubMed:32302570, PubMed:32302571, PubMed:32302572, PubMed:35977029). Stress granules are membraneless compartments that store mRNAs and proteins, such as stalled translation pre-initiation complexes, in response to stress (PubMed:32302570, PubMed:32302571, PubMed:32302572). Promotes formation of stress granules phase-separated membraneless compartment by undergoing liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS) upon unfolded RNA-binding: functions as a molecular switch that triggers RNA-dependent LLPS in response to a rise in intracellular free RNA concentrations (By similarity).

Matrix Type

  • Plasma
  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • G3BP2

UniProt ID

  • Q9UN86
  • Q9UN86-2

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