3′-5′ DNA helicase and substrate-recognition component of the SCF(FBH1) E3 ubiquitin ligase complex that plays a key role in response to stalled/damaged replication forks (PubMed:11956208, PubMed:23393192). Involved in genome maintenance by acting as an anti-recombinogenic helicase and preventing extensive strand exchange during homologous recombination: promotes RAD51 filament dissolution from stalled forks, thereby inhibiting homologous recombination and preventing excessive recombination (PubMed:17724085, PubMed:19736316). Also promotes cell death and DNA double-strand breakage in response to replication stress: together with MUS81, promotes the endonucleolytic DNA cleavage following prolonged replication stress via its helicase activity, possibly to eliminate cells with excessive replication stress (PubMed:23319600, PubMed:23361013). Plays a major role in remodeling of stalled DNA forks by catalyzing fork regression, in which the fork reverses and the two nascent DNA strands anneal (PubMed:25772361). In addition to the helicase activity, also acts as the substrate-recognition component of the SCF(FBH1) E3 ubiquitin ligase complex, a complex that mediates ubiquitination of RAD51, leading to regulate RAD51 subcellular location (PubMed:25585578).

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • FBH1

UniProt ID

  • Q8NFZ0

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