DNA-dependent ATPase component of the Fanconi anemia (FA) core complex (PubMed:16116422). Required for the normal activation of the FA pathway, leading to monoubiquitination of the FANCI-FANCD2 complex in response to DNA damage, cellular resistance to DNA cross-linking drugs, and prevention of chromosomal breakage (PubMed:16116422, PubMed:19423727, PubMed:20347428, PubMed:20347429, PubMed:29231814). In complex with CENPS and CENPX, binds double-stranded DNA (dsDNA), fork-structured DNA (fsDNA) and Holliday junction substrates (PubMed:20347428, PubMed:20347429). Its ATP-dependent DNA branch migration activity can process branched DNA structures such as a movable replication fork. This activity is strongly stimulated in the presence of CENPS and CENPX (PubMed:20347429). In complex with FAAP24, efficiently binds to single-strand DNA (ssDNA), splayed-arm DNA, and 3′-flap substrates (PubMed:17289582). In vitro, on its own, strongly binds ssDNA oligomers and weakly fsDNA, but does not bind to dsDNA (PubMed:16116434).

Associated with:

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol


UniProt ID

  • Q8IYD8

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