Isoform 5 of Protein C-ets-1; Isoform c-ETS-1B of Protein C-ets-1;Protein C-ets-1;Isoform 3 of Protein C-ets-1

Transcription factor (PubMed:10698492, PubMed:11909962). Directly controls the expression of cytokine and chemokine genes in a wide variety of different cellular contexts (PubMed:20378371). May control the differentiation, survival and proliferation of lymphoid cells (PubMed:20378371). May also regulate angiogenesis through regulation of expression of genes controlling endothelial cell migration and invasion (PubMed:15247905, PubMed:15592518). ; [Isoform Ets-1 p27]: Acts as a dominant-negative for isoform c-ETS-1A.

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • ETS1

UniProt ID

  • P14921
  • P14921-3
  • P14921-5

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