Isoform 3 of Protein ecdysoneless homolog; Isoform 2 of Protein ecdysoneless homolog;Protein ecdysoneless homolog

Regulator of p53/TP53 stability and function. Inhibits MDM2-mediated degradation of p53/TP53 possibly by cooperating in part with TXNIP (PubMed:16849563, PubMed:23880345). May be involved transcriptional regulation. In vitro has intrinsic transactivation activity enhanced by EP300. May be a transcriptional activator required for the expression of glycolytic genes (PubMed:19919181, PubMed:9928932). Involved in regulation of cell cycle progression. Proposed to disrupt Rb-E2F binding leading to transcriptional activation of E2F proteins (PubMed:19640839). The cell cycle -regulating function may depend on its RUVBL1-mediated association with the R2TP complex (PubMed:26711270). May play a role in regulation of pre-mRNA splicing (PubMed:24722212).

Associated with:

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • ECD

UniProt ID

  • O95905
  • O95905-3

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