As a co-chaperone for HSPA5 it is required for proper folding, trafficking or degradation of proteins (PubMed:10827079, PubMed:15525676, PubMed:29706351). Binds directly to both unfolded proteins that are substrates for ERAD and nascent unfolded peptide chains, but dissociates from the HSPA5-unfolded protein complex before folding is completed (PubMed:15525676). May help recruiting HSPA5 and other chaperones to the substrate. Stimulates HSPA5 ATPase activity (PubMed:10827079). It is necessary for maturation and correct trafficking of PKD1 (PubMed:29706351).

Matrix Type

  • Plasma
  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • DNAJB11

UniProt ID

  • Q9UBS4

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