Isoform 2 of Delta(24)-sterol reductase;Delta(24)-sterol reductase

Catalyzes the reduction of the delta-24 double bond of sterol intermediates during cholesterol biosynthesis (PubMed:11519011, PubMed:21671375, PubMed:22178193, PubMed:25637936). In addition to its cholesterol-synthesizing activity, can protect cells from oxidative stress by reducing caspase 3 activity during apoptosis induced by oxidative stress (PubMed:11007892, PubMed:22010141). Also protects against amyloid-beta peptide-induced apoptosis (PubMed:11007892).

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • DHCR24

UniProt ID

  • Q15392

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