Scaffolding component of the CCR4-NOT complex which is one of the major cellular mRNA deadenylases and is linked to various cellular processes including bulk mRNA degradation, miRNA-mediated repression, translational repression during translational initiation and general transcription regulation. Additional complex functions may be a consequence of its influence on mRNA expression. Its scaffolding function implies its interaction with the catalytic complex module and diverse RNA-binding proteins mediating the complex recruitment to selected mRNA 3’UTRs. Involved in degradation of AU-rich element (ARE)-containing mRNAs probably via association with ZFP36. Mediates the recruitment of the CCR4-NOT complex to miRNA targets and to the RISC complex via association with TNRC6A, TNRC6B or TNRC6C. Acts as a transcriptional repressor. Represses the ligand-dependent transcriptional activation by nuclear receptors. Involved in the maintenance of embryonic stem (ES) cell identity.

Matrix Type

  • Plasma
  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • CNOT1

UniProt ID

  • A5YKK6

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