Required for kinetochore function and chromosome segregation in mitosis. Required for kinetochore localization of dynein, LIS1, NDE1 and NDEL1. Regulates recycling of the plasma membrane by acting as a link between recycling vesicles and the microtubule network though its association with STX4 and SNAP25. Acts as a potential inhibitor of pocket protein-mediated cellular processes during development by regulating the activity of RB proteins during cell division and proliferation. May play a regulatory or permissive role in the normal embryonic cardiomyocyte cell cycle and in promoting continued mitosis in transformed, abnormally dividing neonatal cardiomyocytes. Interaction with RB directs embryonic stem cells toward a cardiac lineage. Involved in the regulation of DNA synthesis and hence cell cycle progression, via its C-terminus. Has a potential role regulating skeletal myogenesis and in cell differentiation in embryogenesis. Involved in dendritic cell regulation of T-cell immunity against chlamydia.

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol


UniProt ID

  • P49454

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