Plays an important role in controlling cell cycle progression and DNA damage-induced G2 arrest (PubMed:9106657). Involved in p53/TP53 mediated inhibition of cellular proliferation in response to DNA damage. Also involved in p53-independent DNA damage-induced G2 arrest mediated by CREB3L1 in astrocytes and osteoblasts (By similarity). Binds to and inhibits cyclin-dependent kinase activity, preventing phosphorylation of critical cyclin-dependent kinase substrates and blocking cell cycle progression. Functions in the nuclear localization and assembly of cyclin D-CDK4 complex and promotes its kinase activity towards RB1. At higher stoichiometric ratios, inhibits the kinase activity of the cyclin D-CDK4 complex. Inhibits DNA synthesis by DNA polymerase delta by competing with POLD3 for PCNA binding (PubMed:11595739).

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • CDKN1A

UniProt ID

  • P38936

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