In extracellular secreted form, promotes proliferation and activation of CD8(+) T cells, suggesting a cytokine-like function (PubMed:25125657). Enhances cytotoxic anti-tumor activity of CD8(+) T cells (PubMed:25125657). May inhibit ERK and JNK signaling activity (PubMed:18087676, PubMed:23070808). May suppress cell migration and invasion activity, via its effects on ERK and JNK signaling (PubMed:23070808). Has a critical role in the regulation of osteogenesis and bone development (PubMed:32181939). ; In the nucleus, enhances stability of the PCAF histone acetyltransferase (HAT) complex member TADA2A and thus promotes PCAF-mediated H3K14 and H4K8 HAT activity. May inhibit TADA2A-mediated TP53/p53 ‘Lys-321’ acetylation, leading to reduced TP53 stability and transcriptional activity. May also promote TADA2A-mediated XRCC6 acetylation thus facilitating cell apoptosis in response to DNA damage.

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • CCDC134

UniProt ID

  • Q9H6E4

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