May act as a scaffolding protein within caveolar membranes (PubMed:11751885). Forms a stable heterooligomeric complex with CAV2 that targets to lipid rafts and drives caveolae formation. Mediates the recruitment of CAVIN proteins (CAVIN1/2/3/4) to the caveolae (PubMed:19262564). Interacts directly with G-protein alpha subunits and can functionally regulate their activity (By similarity). Involved in the costimulatory signal essential for T-cell receptor (TCR)-mediated T-cell activation. Its binding to DPP4 induces T-cell proliferation and NF-kappa-B activation in a T-cell receptor/CD3-dependent manner (PubMed:17287217). Recruits CTNNB1 to caveolar membranes and may regulate CTNNB1-mediated signaling through the Wnt pathway (By similarity). Negatively regulates TGFB1-mediated activation of SMAD2/3 by mediating the internalization of TGFBR1 from membrane rafts leading to its subsequent degradation (PubMed:25893292). Binds 20(S)-hydroxycholesterol (20(S)-OHC) (By similarity).

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • CAV1

UniProt ID

  • Q03135

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