Isoform 2 of Transcription factor IIIB 50 kDa subunit;Transcription factor IIIB 50 kDa subunit

General activator of RNA polymerase III transcription. Factor exclusively required for RNA polymerase III transcription of genes with promoter elements upstream of the initiation sites (PubMed:11040218, PubMed:11121026, PubMed:11564744, PubMed:26638071). Contributes to the regulation of gene expression; functions as activator in the absence of oxidative stress (PubMed:26638071). Down-regulates expression of target genes in response to oxidative stress (PubMed:26638071). Overexpression protects cells against apoptosis in response to oxidative stress (PubMed:26638071).

Associated with:

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • BRF2

UniProt ID

  • Q9HAW0

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