Phospholipid scramblase involved in autophagy by mediating autophagosomal membrane expansion (PubMed:22456507, PubMed:27510922, PubMed:29437695, PubMed:32513819, PubMed:32610138, PubMed:33106659, PubMed:33468622, PubMed:33850023). Cycles between the preautophagosomal structure/phagophore assembly site (PAS) and the cytoplasmic vesicle pool and supplies membrane for the growing autophagosome (PubMed:16940348, PubMed:22456507, PubMed:33106659). Lipid scramblase activity plays a key role in preautophagosomal structure/phagophore assembly by distributing the phospholipids that arrive through ATG2 (ATG2A or ATG2B) from the cytoplasmic to the luminal leaflet of the bilayer, thereby driving autophagosomal membrane expansion (PubMed:33106659). Also required to supply phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate to the autophagosome initiation site by recruiting the phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase beta (PI4KB) in a process dependent on ARFIP2, but not ARFIP1 (PubMed:30917996). In addition to autophagy, also plays a role in necrotic cell death (By similarity).

Associated with:

Matrix Type

  • Plasma
  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • ATG9A

UniProt ID

  • Q7Z3C6

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