Argininosuccinate lyase; Isoform 2 of Argininosuccinate lyase;Argininosuccinate lyase

Catalyzes the reversible cleavage of L-argininosuccinate to fumarate and L-arginine, an intermediate step reaction in the urea cycle mostly providing for hepatic nitrogen detoxification into excretable urea as well as de novo L-arginine synthesis in nonhepatic tissues (PubMed:11747432, PubMed:11747433, PubMed:22081021, PubMed:2263616, PubMed:9045711). Essential regulator of intracellular and extracellular L-arginine pools. As part of citrulline-nitric oxide cycle, forms tissue-specific multiprotein complexes with argininosuccinate synthase ASS1, transport protein SLC7A1 and nitric oxide synthase NOS1, NOS2 or NOS3, allowing for cell-autonomous L-arginine synthesis while channeling extracellular L-arginine to nitric oxide synthesis pathway (PubMed:22081021).

Matrix Type

  • Plasma
  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • ASL

UniProt ID

  • P04424

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