Involved in membrane protein trafficking at the base of the ciliary organelle. Mediates recruitment onto plasma membrane of the BBSome complex which would constitute a coat complex required for sorting of specific membrane proteins to the primary cilia (PubMed:20603001). Together with BBS1, is necessary for correct trafficking of PKD1 to primary cilia (By similarity). Together with the BBSome complex and LTZL1, controls SMO ciliary trafficking and contributes to the sonic hedgehog (SHH) pathway regulation (PubMed:22072986). May regulate cilia assembly and disassembly and subsequent ciliary signaling events such as the Wnt signaling cascade (PubMed:20207729). Isoform 2 may be required for proper retinal function and organization (By similarity).

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • ARL6

UniProt ID

  • Q9H0F7

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