Guanine nucleotide exchange factor which activates Rho GTPases (PubMed:15601624). Strongly activates RHOA (PubMed:15601624). Also strongly activates RHOB, weakly activates RHOC and RHOG and shows no effect on RHOD, RHOV, RHOQ or RAC1 (By similarity). Involved in regulation of cell shape and actin cytoskeletal organization (PubMed:15601624). Plays a role in actin organization by generating a loss of actin stress fibers and the formation of membrane ruffles and filopodia (PubMed:14662653). Required for SRC-induced podosome formation (By similarity). Involved in positive regulation of immature dendritic cell migration (By similarity).

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol


UniProt ID

  • Q12774

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