GTP-binding protein involved in protein trafficking that regulates endocytic recycling and cytoskeleton remodeling (PubMed:11266366, PubMed:16737952, PubMed:18400762, PubMed:21170023, PubMed:32103017, PubMed:7589240). GTP-bound form plays an important role in the transport of multiple palmitoylated proteins form the Golgi to the plasma membrane (PubMed:37461827). Required for normal completion of mitotic cytokinesis (By similarity). Plays a role in the reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton and the formation of stress fibers (By similarity). Involved in the regulation of dendritic spine development, contributing to the regulation of dendritic branching and filopodia extension (PubMed:14978216). Potentiates the neurite outgrowth in primary neurons by interacting with the molecular adapter APBB1 (PubMed:36250347). Plays an important role in membrane trafficking, during junctional remodeling and epithelial polarization (PubMed:36017701). Regulates surface levels of adherens junction proteins such as CDH1 (By similarity). Required for NTRK1 sorting to the recycling pathway from early endosomes (By similarity). ; (Microbial infection) Functions as an allosteric activator of the cholera toxin catalytic subunit, an ADP-ribosyltransferase. ; (Microbial infection) Plays a key role in the endocytosis of enterovirus 71 and thus viral entry into brain microvascular endothelial cells.

Matrix Type

  • Plasma
  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • ARF6

UniProt ID

  • P62330

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