Tumor suppressor. Promotes rapid degradation of CTNNB1 and participates in Wnt signaling as a negative regulator. APC activity is correlated with its phosphorylation state. Activates the GEF activity of SPATA13 and ARHGEF4. Plays a role in hepatocyte growth factor (HGF)-induced cell migration. Required for MMP9 up-regulation via the JNK signaling pathway in colorectal tumor cells. Associates with both microtubules and actin filaments, components of the cytoskeleton (PubMed:17293347). Plays a role in mediating the organization of F-actin into ordered bundles (PubMed:17293347). Functions downstream of Rho GTPases and DIAPH1 to selectively stabilize microtubules (By similarity). Acts as a mediator of ERBB2-dependent stabilization of microtubules at the cell cortex. It is required for the localization of MACF1 to the cell membrane and this localization of MACF1 is critical for its function in microtubule stabilization.

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • APC

UniProt ID

  • P25054

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