Aldo-keto reductase family 1 member C3;Isoform 2 of Aldo-keto reductase family 1 member C3

Cytosolic aldo-keto reductase that catalyzes the NADH and NADPH-dependent reduction of ketosteroids to hydroxysteroids. Acts as a NAD(P)(H)-dependent 3-, 17- and 20-ketosteroid reductase on the steroid nucleus and side chain and regulates the metabolism of androgens, estrogens and progesterone (PubMed:10622721, PubMed:11165022, PubMed:7650035, PubMed:9415401, PubMed:9927279). Displays the ability to catalyze both oxidation and reduction in vitro, but most probably acts as a reductase in vivo since the oxidase activity measured in vitro is inhibited by physiological concentration of NADPH (PubMed:11165022, PubMed:14672942). Acts preferentially as a 17-ketosteroid reductase and has the highest catalytic efficiency of the AKR1C enzyme for the reduction of delta4-androstenedione to form testosterone (PubMed:20036328). Reduces prostaglandin (PG) D2 to 11beta-prostaglandin F2, progesterone to 20alpha-hydroxyprogesterone and estrone to 17beta-estradiol (PubMed:10622721, PubMed:10998348, PubMed:11165022, PubMed:15047184, PubMed:19010934, PubMed:20036328). Catalyzes the transformation of the potent androgen dihydrotestosterone (DHT) into the less active form, 5-alpha-androstan-3-alpha,17-beta-diol (3-alpha-diol) (PubMed:10557352, PubMed:10998348, PubMed:11165022, PubMed:14672942, PubMed:7650035, PubMed:9415401). Also displays retinaldehyde reductase activity toward 9-cis-retinal (PubMed:21851338).

Matrix Type

  • Plasma
  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • AKR1C3

UniProt ID

  • P42330
  • P42330-2

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