Coenzyme A-dependent lysophosphatidic acid acyltransferase that catalyzes the transfer of an acyl group on a lysophosphatidic acid (PubMed:18606822). Functions preferentially with 1-oleoyl-lysophosphatidic acid followed by 1-palmitoyl-lysophosphatidic acid, 1-stearoyl-lysophosphatidic acid and 1-arachidonoyl-lysophosphatidic acid as lipid acceptor. Functions preferentially with arachidonoyl-CoA followed by oleoyl-CoA as acyl group donors (By similarity). Functions in phosphatidic acid biosynthesis (PubMed:18606822). May regulate the cellular storage of triacylglycerol through activation of the phospholipase PNPLA2 (PubMed:16679289). Involved in keratinocyte differentiation (PubMed:18832586). Regulates lipid droplet fusion (By similarity).

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • ABHD5

UniProt ID

  • Q8WTS1

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