[Isoform 1]: Catalyzes ATP-dependent import of organic anions such as taurocholate and estrone sulfate (PubMed:12379217). In vitro, also imports ochratoxin A (PubMed:12379217). Also mediates cholesterol efflux independent of apolipoprotein, and plays a role in sphingomyelin production in oligodendrocytes (PubMed:23560799). ; [Isoform 3]: Catalyzes ATP-dependent efflux of cholesterol and taurocholate (PubMed:29300488). Interaction with ABCA1 potentiates cholesterol efflux to lipid-free APOA1, which regulates high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels (PubMed:28882873).

Associated with:

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • ABCA8

UniProt ID

  • O94911

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