Sodium-coupled antiporter of neutral amino acids. In a tri-substrate transport cycle, exchanges neutral amino acids between the extracellular and intracellular compartments, coupled to the inward cotransport of at least one sodium ion (PubMed:17094966, PubMed:23756778, PubMed:26492990, PubMed:29872227, PubMed:34741534, PubMed:8702519). The preferred substrate is the essential amino acid L-glutamine, a precursor for biosynthesis of proteins, nucleotides and amine sugars as well as an alternative fuel for mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation. Exchanges L-glutamine with other neutral amino acids such as L-serine, L-threonine and L-asparagine in a bidirectional way. Provides L-glutamine to proliferating stem and activated cells driving the metabolic switch toward cell differentiation (PubMed:23756778, PubMed:24953180). The transport cycle is usually pH-independent, with the exception of L-glutamate. Transports extracellular L-glutamate coupled to the cotransport of one proton and one sodium ion in exchange for intracellular L-glutamine counter-ion. May provide for L-glutamate uptake in glial cells regulating glutamine/glutamate cycle in the nervous system (PubMed:32733894). Can transport D-amino acids. Mediates D-serine release from the retinal glia potentially affecting NMDA receptor function in retinal neurons (PubMed:17094966). Displays sodium- and amino acid-dependent but uncoupled channel-like anion conductance with a preference SCN(-) >> NO3(-) > I(-) > Cl(-) (By similarity). Through binding of the fusogenic protein syncytin-1/ERVW-1 may mediate trophoblasts syncytialization, the spontaneous fusion of their plasma membranes, an essential process in placental development (PubMed:10708449, PubMed:23492904). ; (Microbial infection) Acts as a cell surface receptor for Feline endogenous virus RD114. ; (Microbial infection) Acts as a cell surface receptor for Baboon M7 endogenous virus. ; (Microbial infection) Acts as a cell surface receptor for type D simian retroviruses.

Matrix Type

  • Plasma
  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • SLC1A5

UniProt ID

  • Q15758

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