Bay Area Lyme Foundation is the leading not-for-profit sponsor of innovative Lyme disease research in the US and has been collaborating with Sapient since 2021 to discover and develop circulating biomarkers related to persistent Lyme disease. In its latest 2024 Impact Report, the foundation shares the exciting progress we have made together to identify the first diagnostic markers for persistent Lyme.
As the report details, these latest advancements in diagnostic biomarker development build upon an initial breakthrough in 2022, under work funded by Bay Area Lyme Foundation. In samples from the foundation’s Lyme Disease Biobank, Sapient discovered Persistin™, a previously unknown small molecule biomarker found to be uniquely altered in patients with persistent Lyme disease.
Bay Area Lyme and Sapient have since greatly expanded upon this biomarker discovery, developing a machine learning (ML) model based on Persistin and several additional biomarkers that discriminate persistent Lyme from acute Lyme and other chronic inflammatory disease states. This multi-biomarker diagnostic test can provide high sensitivity for persistent Lyme diagnosis while also delivering high specificity to distinguish persistent Lyme from other diseases with similar symptoms.
Access the full report to learn more about this diagnostic biomarker development and the test’s potential for clinical translation.
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