Our high-specificity discovery proteomics method is built to align with your coverage and throughput needs.
Like metabolites and lipids, proteins are dynamic indicators of health, disease, and drug response. Explore more of the proteome with our nontargeted proteomics approaches.
Leveraging our high throughput mass spectrometry platform, Sapient’s method achieves high analytical specificity while optimizing for protein coverage and throughput to best suit your bioanalytical needs.
Optimized for large, population-scale studies and cell-based screening, measuring 2,000+ proteins and PTMs in plasma and 6,000+ proteins and PTMs in cells.
Optimized for revealing new biological insights from the proteome, assaying 5,400+ proteins and PTMs in plasma across tens to thousands of samples.
Sapient can capture biologically significant signals in the low abundance proteome using nanoparticle capture to simultaneously deplete high abundant proteins and enrich low abundant proteins.
Sapient’s discovery proteomics method uses nanoLC coupled to trapped ion mobility mass spectrometry and nanoparticle enrichment to:
Our data science team can provide integrative analysis of proteomics data with the metabolomics data we generate as well as with genomics, phenotype information, and clinical inputs to elucidate protein biomarkers and their involvement in the dynamic processes underlying disease and drug response.
For example, we can perform pathway and tissue enrichment analysis across 9 key biological processes, 40+ tissue signaling pathways, and 28 tissues of origin in plasma.
What are you looking to identify?
Use the form to request proteomics services. If you have questions, we encourage you to meet with our team.
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10421 Wateridge Circle, Suite 100
San Diego, CA 92121