Component or associated component of some histone methyltransferase complexes may regulate transcription through recruitment of those complexes on gene promoters (PubMed:19131338, PubMed:23178126). Enhances ligand-dependent transcriptional activation by nuclear hormone receptors (PubMed:12215545, PubMed:18180299, PubMed:19131338). Plays an important role in neural progenitor cell proliferation and self-renewal through the regulation of specific genes involved brain development, including REST (PubMed:23178126). Also controls the expression of genes involved in somatic development and regulates, for instance, lymphoblast proliferation (PubMed:23178126).

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • ZNF335

UniProt ID

  • Q9H4Z2

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