Transmembrane metalloprotease whose catalytic activity is critical for processing lamin A/LMNA on the inner nuclear membrane and clearing clogged translocons on the endoplasmic reticulum (PubMed:33293369, PubMed:33315887). Proteolytically removes the C-terminal three residues of farnesylated proteins (PubMed:33293369, PubMed:33315887). Plays also an antiviral role independently of its protease activity by restricting enveloped RNA and DNA viruses, including influenza A, Zika, Ebola, Sindbis, vesicular stomatitis, cowpox, and vaccinia (PubMed:28169297, PubMed:28246125). Mechanistically, controls IFITM antiviral pathway to hinder viruses from breaching the endosomal barrier by modulating membrane fluidity (PubMed:35283811).

Associated with:

Matrix Type

  • Plasma
  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • ZMPSTE24

UniProt ID

  • O75844

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