Binds to the mitochondrial light strand promoter and functions in mitochondrial transcription regulation (PubMed:29445193, PubMed:32183942). Component of the mitochondrial transcription initiation complex, composed at least of TFB2M, TFAM and POLRMT that is required for basal transcription of mitochondrial DNA (PubMed:29149603). In this complex, TFAM recruits POLRMT to a specific promoter whereas TFB2M induces structural changes in POLRMT to enable promoter opening and trapping of the DNA non-template strand (PubMed:20410300). Required for accurate and efficient promoter recognition by the mitochondrial RNA polymerase (PubMed:22037172). Promotes transcription initiation from the HSP1 and the light strand promoter by binding immediately upstream of transcriptional start sites (PubMed:22037172). Is able to unwind DNA (PubMed:22037172). Bends the mitochondrial light strand promoter DNA into a U-turn shape via its HMG boxes (PubMed:1737790). Required for maintenance of normal levels of mitochondrial DNA (PubMed:19304746, PubMed:22841477). May play a role in organizing and compacting mitochondrial DNA (PubMed:22037171).

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • TFAM

UniProt ID

  • Q00059

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