Adapter required to activate the JNK and NF-kappa-B signaling pathways through the specific recognition of ‘Lys-63’-linked polyubiquitin chains by its RanBP2-type zinc finger (NZF) (PubMed:10882101, PubMed:11460167, PubMed:15327770, PubMed:22158122, PubMed:33184450, PubMed:36681779). Acts as an adapter linking MAP3K7/TAK1 and TRAF6 to ‘Lys-63′-linked polyubiquitin chains (PubMed:10882101, PubMed:11460167, PubMed:15327770, PubMed:22158122). The RanBP2-type zinc finger (NZF) specifically recognizes Lys-63’-linked polyubiquitin chains unanchored or anchored to the substrate proteins such as RIPK1/RIP1 and RIPK2: this acts as a scaffold to organize a large signaling complex to promote autophosphorylation of MAP3K7/TAK1, and subsequent activation of I-kappa-B-kinase (IKK) core complex by MAP3K7/TAK1 (PubMed:15327770, PubMed:18079694, PubMed:22158122). Regulates the IL1-mediated translocation of NCOR1 out of the nucleus (By similarity). Involved in heart development (PubMed:20493459).

Matrix Type

  • Plasma
  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • TAB2

UniProt ID

  • Q9NYJ8

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