Isoform 2 of Small ubiquitin-related modifier 2;Small ubiquitin-related modifier 2

Ubiquitin-like protein that can be covalently attached to proteins as a monomer or as a lysine-linked polymer. Covalent attachment via an isopeptide bond to its substrates requires prior activation by the E1 complex SAE1-SAE2 and linkage to the E2 enzyme UBE2I, and can be promoted by an E3 ligase such as PIAS1-4, RANBP2, CBX4 or ZNF451 (PubMed:26524494). This post-translational modification on lysine residues of proteins plays a crucial role in a number of cellular processes such as nuclear transport, DNA replication and repair, mitosis and signal transduction. Polymeric SUMO2 chains are also susceptible to polyubiquitination which functions as a signal for proteasomal degradation of modified proteins (PubMed:18408734, PubMed:18538659, PubMed:21965678, PubMed:9556629). Plays a role in the regulation of sumoylation status of SETX (PubMed:24105744).

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • SUMO2

UniProt ID

  • P61956

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