Binds preferentially and cooperatively to pyrimidine rich single-stranded DNA (ss-DNA) (PubMed:21953457, PubMed:23290262, PubMed:31550240). In vitro, required to maintain the copy number of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and plays a crucial role during mtDNA replication by stimulating the activity of the replisome components POLG and TWNK at the replication fork (PubMed:12975372, PubMed:15167897, PubMed:21953457, PubMed:26446790, PubMed:31550240). Promotes the activity of the gamma complex polymerase POLG, largely by organizing the template DNA and eliminating secondary structures to favor ss-DNA conformations that facilitate POLG activity (PubMed:21953457, PubMed:26446790, PubMed:31550240). In addition it is able to promote the 5′-3′ unwinding activity of the mtDNA helicase TWNK (PubMed:12975372). May also function in mtDNA repair (PubMed:23290262).

Matrix Type

  • Plasma
  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • SSBP1

UniProt ID

  • Q04837

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