Bridging factor that mediates the recruitment of CYLD to the LUBAC complex, thereby regulating TNF-alpha-induced necroptosis (PubMed:27307491, PubMed:27458237, PubMed:27545878, PubMed:27591049). Acts as a direct binding intermediate that bridges RNF31/HOIP, the catalytic subunit of the LUBAC complex, and the deubiquitinase (CYLD), thereby recruiting CYLD to the TNF-R1 signaling complex (TNF-RSC) (PubMed:27458237, PubMed:27545878, PubMed:27591049). Required to activate the ‘Met-1’- (linear) and ‘Lys-63’-linked deubiquitinase activities of CYLD (PubMed:27458237, PubMed:27591049). Controls the kinase activity of RIPK1 and TNF-alpha-induced necroptosis by promoting ‘Met-1’-linked deubiquitination of RIPK1 by CYLD (By similarity).

Associated with:

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • SPATA2

UniProt ID

  • Q9UM82

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