Uniporter involved in the facilitative transport of nucleosides and nucleobases, and contributes to maintaining their cellular homeostasis (PubMed:10722669, PubMed:10755314, PubMed:12527552, PubMed:14759222, PubMed:15037197, PubMed:17379602, PubMed:21795683, PubMed:26406980, PubMed:27995448, PubMed:35790189, PubMed:8986748). Functions as a Na(+)-independent transporter (PubMed:8986748). Involved in the transport of nucleosides such as adenosine, guanosine, inosine, uridine, thymidine and cytidine (PubMed:10722669, PubMed:10755314, PubMed:12527552, PubMed:14759222, PubMed:15037197, PubMed:17379602, PubMed:26406980, PubMed:8986748). Also transports purine nucleobases (hypoxanthine, adenine, guanine) and pyrimidine nucleobases (thymine, uracil) (PubMed:21795683, PubMed:27995448). Mediates basolateral nucleoside uptake into Sertoli cells, thereby regulating the transport of nucleosides in testis across the blood-testis barrier (By similarity). Regulates inosine levels in brown adipocytes tissues (BAT) and extracellular inosine levels, which controls BAT-dependent energy expenditure (PubMed:35790189).

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • SLC29A1

UniProt ID

  • Q99808

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