Functions as an intracellular leucine sensor that negatively regulates the mTORC1 signaling pathway through the GATOR complex (PubMed:18692468, PubMed:25263562, PubMed:25457612, PubMed:26449471, PubMed:26586190, PubMed:26612684, PubMed:31586034, PubMed:35114100, PubMed:35831510, PubMed:36528027). In absence of leucine, binds the GATOR subcomplex GATOR2 and prevents mTORC1 signaling (PubMed:18692468, PubMed:25263562, PubMed:25457612, PubMed:26449471, PubMed:26586190, PubMed:26612684, PubMed:31586034, PubMed:35114100, PubMed:35831510, PubMed:36528027). Binding of leucine to SESN2 disrupts its interaction with GATOR2 thereby activating the TORC1 signaling pathway (PubMed:26449471, PubMed:26586190, PubMed:35114100, PubMed:35831510, PubMed:36528027). This stress-inducible metabolic regulator also plays a role in protection against oxidative and genotoxic stresses. May negatively regulate protein translation in response to endoplasmic reticulum stress, via mTORC1 (PubMed:24947615). May positively regulate the transcription by NFE2L2 of genes involved in the response to oxidative stress by facilitating the SQSTM1-mediated autophagic degradation of KEAP1 (PubMed:23274085). May also mediate TP53 inhibition of TORC1 signaling upon genotoxic stress (PubMed:18692468). Moreover, may prevent the accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) through the alkylhydroperoxide reductase activity born by the N-terminal domain of the protein (PubMed:26612684). Was originally reported to contribute to oxidative stress resistance by reducing PRDX1 (PubMed:15105503). However, this could not be confirmed (PubMed:19113821).

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • SESN2

UniProt ID

  • P58004

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