Small zinc- and- and calcium-binding protein that is highly expressed in astrocytes and constitutes one of the most abundant soluble proteins in brain (PubMed:20950652, PubMed:6487634). Weakly binds calcium but binds zinc very tightly-distinct binding sites with different affinities exist for both ions on each monomer (PubMed:20950652, PubMed:6487634). Physiological concentrations of potassium ion antagonize the binding of both divalent cations, especially affecting high-affinity calcium-binding sites (By similarity). Acts as a neurotrophic factor that promotes astrocytosis and axonal proliferation (By similarity). Involved in innervation of thermogenic adipose tissue by acting as an adipocyte-derived neurotrophic factor that promotes sympathetic innervation of adipose tissue (By similarity). Binds to and initiates the activation of STK38 by releasing autoinhibitory intramolecular interactions within the kinase (By similarity). Interaction with AGER after myocardial infarction may play a role in myocyte apoptosis by activating ERK1/2 and p53/TP53 signaling (By similarity). Could assist ATAD3A cytoplasmic processing, preventing aggregation and favoring mitochondrial localization (PubMed:20351179). May mediate calcium-dependent regulation on many physiological processes by interacting with other proteins, such as TPR-containing proteins, and modulating their activity (PubMed:22399290).

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • S100B

UniProt ID

  • P04271

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