DNA helicase that plays an important role in DNA replication, transcription and repair (PubMed:20643585, PubMed:22973052, PubMed:28100692). Probably unwinds DNA in a 3′-5′ direction (Probable) (PubMed:28100692). Binds to the RNA polymerase II subunit POLR2A during transcription elongation and suppresses transcription-associated genomic instability (PubMed:20231364). Associates also with POLR1A and enforces the stability of ribosomal DNA arrays (PubMed:27502483). Plays an important role in mitotic chromosome separation after cross-over events and cell cycle progress (PubMed:22013166). Mechanistically, removes RAD51 filaments protecting stalled replication forks at common fragile sites and stimulates MUS81-EME1 endonuclease leading to mitotic DNA synthesis (PubMed:28575661). Required for efficient DNA repair, including repair of inter-strand cross-links (PubMed:23715498). Stimulates DNA decatenation mediated by TOP2A. Prevents sister chromatid exchange and homologous recombination. A core helicase fragment (residues 11-609) binds preferentially to splayed duplex, looped and ssDNA (PubMed:28100692).

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • RECQL5

UniProt ID

  • O94762

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