
Isoform 8 of RING finger and CHY zinc finger domain-containing protein 1; Isoform 2 of RING finger and CHY zinc finger domain-containing protein 1; Isoform 6 of RING finger and CHY zinc finger domain-containing protein 1; Isoform 7 of RING finger and CHY zinc finger domain-containing protein 1;RING finger and CHY zinc finger domain-containing protein 1

E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase that mediates ubiquitination of target proteins, including p53/TP53, TP73, HDAC1 and CDKN1B (PubMed:16914734, PubMed:17721809, PubMed:18006823, PubMed:19043414, PubMed:19483087, PubMed:21994467). Mediates ubiquitination and degradation of p53/TP53; preferentially acts on tetrameric p53/TP53 (PubMed:19043414, PubMed:19483087). Catalyzes monoubiquitinates the translesion DNA polymerase POLH (PubMed:21791603). Involved in the ribosome-associated quality control (RQC) pathway, which mediates the extraction of incompletely synthesized nascent chains from stalled ribosomes: RCHY1 acts downstream of NEMF and recognizes CAT tails associated with stalled nascent chains, leading to their ubiquitination and degradation (PubMed:33909987). ; [Isoform 4]: Has no E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase activity.

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • RCHY1

UniProt ID

  • Q96PM5
  • Q96PM5-6
  • Q96PM5-7
  • Q96PM5-8

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