Multifunctional GTPase involved in a variety of cellular processes including gene expression, cell migration, cell proliferation, oncogenic transformation and membrane trafficking. Accomplishes its multiple functions by interacting with distinct downstream effectors (PubMed:18756269, PubMed:19306925, PubMed:20005108, PubMed:21822277, PubMed:30500825). Acts as a GTP sensor for GTP-dependent exocytosis of dense core vesicles. The RALA-exocyst complex regulates integrin-dependent membrane raft exocytosis and growth signaling (PubMed:20005108). Key regulator of LPAR1 signaling and competes with GRK2 for binding to LPAR1 thus affecting the signaling properties of the receptor. Required for anchorage-independent proliferation of transformed cells (PubMed:19306925). During mitosis, supports the stabilization and elongation of the intracellular bridge between dividing cells. Cooperates with EXOC2 to recruit other components of the exocyst to the early midbody (PubMed:18756269). During mitosis, also controls mitochondrial fission by recruiting to the mitochondrion RALBP1, which mediates the phosphorylation and activation of DNM1L by the mitotic kinase cyclin B-CDK1 (PubMed:21822277).

Matrix Type

  • Plasma
  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • RALA

UniProt ID

  • P11233

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