[Double-strand-break repair protein rad21 homolog]: As a member of the cohesin complex, involved in sister chromatid cohesion from the time of DNA replication in S phase to their segregation in mitosis, a function that is essential for proper chromosome segregation, post-replicative DNA repair, and the prevention of inappropriate recombination between repetitive regions (PubMed:11509732). The cohesin complex may also play a role in spindle pole assembly during mitosis (PubMed:11590136). In interphase, cohesins may function in the control of gene expression by binding to numerous sites within the genome (By similarity). May control RUNX1 gene expression (Probable). Binds to and represses APOB gene promoter (PubMed:25575569). May play a role in embryonic gut development, possibly through the regulation of enteric neuron development (By similarity). ; [64-kDa C-terminal product]: May promote apoptosis.

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • RAD21

UniProt ID

  • O60216

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