The small GTPases Rab are key regulators of intracellular membrane trafficking, from the formation of transport vesicles to their fusion with membranes. Rabs cycle between an inactive GDP-bound form and an active GTP-bound form that is able to recruit to membranes different sets of downstream effectors directly responsible for vesicle formation, movement, tethering and fusion. That Rab is involved in the process of endocytosis and is an essential rate-limiting regulator of the fast recycling pathway back to the plasma membrane. During cytokinesis, required for the postfurrowing terminal steps, namely for intercellular bridge stability and abscission, possibly by controlling phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bis phosphate (PIP2) and SEPT2 localization at the intercellular bridge. May indirectly regulate neurite outgrowth. Together with TBC1D13 may be involved in regulation of insulin-induced glucose transporter SLC2A4/GLUT4 translocation to the plasma membrane in adipocytes.

Matrix Type

  • Plasma
  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • RAB35

UniProt ID

  • Q15286

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