Isoform Beta of Poliovirus receptor; Isoform Gamma of Poliovirus receptor;Poliovirus receptor

Mediates NK cell adhesion and triggers NK cell effector functions. Binds two different NK cell receptors: CD96 and CD226. These interactions accumulates at the cell-cell contact site, leading to the formation of a mature immunological synapse between NK cell and target cell. This may trigger adhesion and secretion of lytic granules and IFN-gamma and activate cytotoxicity of activated NK cells. May also promote NK cell-target cell modular exchange, and PVR transfer to the NK cell. This transfer is more important in some tumor cells expressing a lot of PVR, and may trigger fratricide NK cell activation, providing tumors with a mechanism of immunoevasion. Plays a role in mediating tumor cell invasion and migration. ; (Microbial infection) Acts as a receptor for poliovirus. May play a role in axonal transport of poliovirus, by targeting virion-PVR-containing endocytic vesicles to the microtubular network through interaction with DYNLT1. This interaction would drive the virus-containing vesicle to the axonal retrograde transport. ; (Microbial infection) Acts as a receptor for Pseudorabies virus. ; (Microbial infection) Is prevented to reach cell surface upon infection by Human cytomegalovirus /HHV-5, presumably to escape immune recognition of infected cell by NK cells.

Associated with:

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • PVR

UniProt ID

  • P15151
  • P15151-3

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