Polyglutamine-binding protein 1; Isoform 2 of Polyglutamine-binding protein 1

Intrinsically disordered protein that acts as a scaffold, and which is involved in different processes, such as pre-mRNA splicing, transcription regulation, innate immunity and neuron development (PubMed:10198427, PubMed:10332029, PubMed:12062018, PubMed:20410308, PubMed:23512658). Interacts with splicing-related factors via the intrinsically disordered region and regulates alternative splicing of target pre-mRNA species (PubMed:10332029, PubMed:12062018, PubMed:20410308, PubMed:23512658). May suppress the ability of POU3F2 to transactivate the DRD1 gene in a POU3F2 dependent manner. Can activate transcription directly or via association with the transcription machinery (PubMed:10198427). May be involved in ATXN1 mutant-induced cell death (PubMed:12062018). The interaction with ATXN1 mutant reduces levels of phosphorylated RNA polymerase II large subunit (PubMed:12062018). Involved in the assembly of cytoplasmic stress granule, possibly by participating in the transport of neuronal RNA granules (PubMed:21933836). Also acts as an innate immune sensor of infection by retroviruses, such as HIV, by detecting the presence of reverse-transcribed DNA in the cytosol (PubMed:26046437). Directly binds retroviral reverse-transcribed DNA in the cytosol and interacts with CGAS, leading to activate the cGAS-STING signaling pathway, triggering type-I interferon production (PubMed:26046437).

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • PQBP1

UniProt ID

  • O60828

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