Serine/threonine-protein phosphatase component of macronutrients metabolism. Forms a functional kinase and phosphatase pair with BCKDK, serving as a metabolic regulatory node that coordinates branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) with glucose and lipid metabolism via two distinct phosphoprotein targets: mitochondrial BCKDHA subunit of the branched-chain alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase (BCKDH) complex and cytosolic ACLY, a lipogenic enzyme of Krebs cycle (PubMed:17336929, PubMed:17374715, PubMed:19411760, PubMed:22291014, PubMed:22589535, PubMed:23086801, PubMed:29779826). At high levels of branched-chain ketoacids, dephosphorylates and activates mitochondrial BCKDH complex, a multisubunit complex consisting of three multimeric components each involved in different steps of BCAA catabolism: E1 composed of BCKDHA and BCKDHB, E2 core composed of DBT monomers, and E3 composed of DLD monomers. Tightly associates with the E2 component of BCKDH complex and dephosphorylates BCKDHA on Ser-337 (PubMed:17336929, PubMed:17374715, PubMed:19411760, PubMed:22291014, PubMed:22589535, PubMed:23086801, PubMed:29779826). Regulates the reversible phosphorylation of ACLY in response to changes in cellular carbohydrate abundance such as occurs during fasting to feeding metabolic transition. At fasting state, appears to dephosphorylate ACLY on Ser-455 and inactivate it. Refeeding stimulates MLXIPL/ChREBP transcription factor, leading to increased BCKDK to PPM1K expression ratio, phosphorylation and activation of ACLY that ultimately results in the generation of malonyl-CoA and oxaloacetate immediate substrates of de novo lipogenesis and gluconeogenesis, respectively (PubMed:29779826). Recognizes phosphosites having SxS or RxxS motifs and strictly depends on Mn(2+) ions for the phosphatase activity (PubMed:29779826). Regulates Ca(2+)-induced opening of mitochondrial transition pore and apoptotic cell death (PubMed:17374715).

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • PPM1K

UniProt ID

  • Q8N3J5

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