RNA-binding protein implicated in numerous RNA metabolic processes. Catalyzes the phosphorolysis of single-stranded polyribonucleotides processively in the 3′-to-5′ direction. Mitochondrial intermembrane factor with RNA-processing exoribonulease activity. Component of the mitochondrial degradosome (mtEXO) complex, that degrades 3′ overhang double-stranded RNA with a 3′-to-5′ directionality in an ATP-dependent manner. Involved in the degradation of non-coding mitochondrial transcripts (MT-ncRNA) and tRNA-like molecules (PubMed:29967381). Required for correct processing and polyadenylation of mitochondrial mRNAs. Plays a role as a cytoplasmic RNA import factor that mediates the translocation of small RNA components, like the 5S RNA, the RNA subunit of ribonuclease P and the mitochondrial RNA-processing (MRP) RNA, into the mitochondrial matrix. Plays a role in mitochondrial morphogenesis and respiration; regulates the expression of the electron transport chain (ETC) components at the mRNA and protein levels. In the cytoplasm, shows a 3′-to-5′ exoribonuclease mediating mRNA degradation activity; degrades c-myc mRNA upon treatment with IFNB1/IFN-beta, resulting in a growth arrest in melanoma cells. Regulates the stability of specific mature miRNAs in melanoma cells; specifically and selectively degrades miR-221, preferentially. Also plays a role in RNA cell surveillance by cleaning up oxidized RNAs. Binds to the RNA subunit of ribonuclease P, MRP RNA and miR-221 microRNA.

Matrix Type

  • Plasma
  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • PNPT1

UniProt ID

  • Q8TCS8

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