Isoform PML-13 of Protein PML;Protein PML;Isoform PML-6 of Protein PML;Isoform PML-11 of Protein PML;Isoform PML-5 of Protein PML

Functions via its association with PML-nuclear bodies (PML-NBs) in a wide range of important cellular processes, including tumor suppression, transcriptional regulation, apoptosis, senescence, DNA damage response, and viral defense mechanisms. Acts as the scaffold of PML-NBs allowing other proteins to shuttle in and out, a process which is regulated by SUMO-mediated modifications and interactions. Inhibits EIF4E-mediated mRNA nuclear export by reducing EIF4E affinity for the 5′ 7-methylguanosine (m7G) cap of target mRNAs (PubMed:11500381, PubMed:11575918, PubMed:18391071). Isoform PML-4 has a multifaceted role in the regulation of apoptosis and growth suppression: activates RB1 and inhibits AKT1 via interactions with PP1 and PP2A phosphatases respectively, negatively affects the PI3K pathway by inhibiting MTOR and activating PTEN, and positively regulates p53/TP53 by acting at different levels (by promoting its acetylation and phosphorylation and by inhibiting its MDM2-dependent degradation). Isoform PML-4 also: acts as a transcriptional repressor of TBX2 during cellular senescence and the repression is dependent on a functional RBL2/E2F4 repressor complex, regulates double-strand break repair in gamma-irradiation-induced DNA damage responses via its interaction with WRN, acts as a negative regulator of telomerase by interacting with TERT, and regulates PER2 nuclear localization and circadian function. Isoform PML-6 inhibits specifically the activity of the tetrameric form of PKM. The nuclear isoforms (isoform PML-1, isoform PML-2, isoform PML-3, isoform PML-4 and isoform PML-5) in concert with SATB1 are involved in local chromatin-loop remodeling and gene expression regulation at the MHC-I locus. Isoform PML-2 is required for efficient IFN-gamma induced MHC II gene transcription via regulation of CIITA. Cytoplasmic PML is involved in the regulation of the TGF-beta signaling pathway. PML also regulates transcription activity of ELF4 and can act as an important mediator for TNF-alpha- and IFN-alpha-mediated inhibition of endothelial cell network formation and migration. ; Exhibits antiviral activity against both DNA and RNA viruses. The antiviral activity can involve one or several isoform(s) and can be enhanced by the permanent PML-NB-associated protein DAXX or by the recruitment of p53/TP53 within these structures. Isoform PML-4 restricts varicella zoster virus (VZV) via sequestration of virion capsids in PML-NBs thereby preventing their nuclear egress and inhibiting formation of infectious virus particles. The sumoylated isoform PML-4 restricts rabies virus by inhibiting viral mRNA and protein synthesis. The cytoplasmic isoform PML-14 can restrict herpes simplex virus-1 (HHV-1) replication by sequestering the viral E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase ICP0 in the cytoplasm. Isoform PML-6 shows restriction activity towards human cytomegalovirus (HHV-5) and influenza A virus strains PR8(H1N1) and ST364(H3N2). Sumoylated isoform PML-4 and isoform PML-12 show antiviral activity against encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) by promoting nuclear sequestration of viral polymerase (P3D-POL) within PML NBs. Isoform PML-3 exhibits antiviral activity against poliovirus by inducing apoptosis in infected cells through the recruitment and the activation of p53/TP53 in the PML-NBs. Isoform PML-3 represses human foamy virus (HFV) transcription by complexing the HFV transactivator, bel1/tas, preventing its binding to viral DNA. PML may positively regulate infectious hepatitis C viral (HCV) production and isoform PML-2 may enhance adenovirus transcription. Functions as an E3 SUMO-protein ligase that sumoylates (HHV-5) immediate early protein IE1, thereby participating in the antiviral response (PubMed:20972456, PubMed:28250117). Isoforms PML-3 and PML-6 display the highest levels of sumoylation activity (PubMed:20972456, PubMed:28250117).

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • PML

UniProt ID

  • P29590
  • P29590-11
  • P29590-13
  • P29590-2
  • P29590-4

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