Magnesium-independent phospholipid phosphatase of the plasma membrane that catalyzes the dephosphorylation of a variety of glycerolipid and sphingolipid phosphate esters including phosphatidate/PA, lysophosphatidate/LPA, diacylglycerol pyrophosphate/DGPP, sphingosine 1-phosphate/S1P and ceramide 1-phosphate/C1P (PubMed:10962286, PubMed:17379599, PubMed:9305923, PubMed:9607309, PubMed:9705349). Also acts on N-oleoyl ethanolamine phosphate/N-(9Z-octadecenoyl)-ethanolamine phosphate, a potential physiological compound (PubMed:9607309). Through its extracellular phosphatase activity allows both the hydrolysis and the cellular uptake of these bioactive lipid mediators from the milieu, regulating signal transduction in different cellular processes (PubMed:10962286, PubMed:12909631, PubMed:15461590, PubMed:17379599). It is for instance essential for the extracellular hydrolysis of S1P and subsequent conversion into intracellular S1P (PubMed:17379599). Involved in the regulation of inflammation, platelets activation, cell proliferation and migration among other processes (PubMed:12909631, PubMed:15461590). May also have an intracellular activity to regulate phospholipid-mediated signaling pathways (By similarity).

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • PLPP1

UniProt ID

  • O14494

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