Plays an important role in the maintenance of the Golgi complex, in membrane trafficking, in exocytosis, through its interaction with myosin VI and Rab8 (PubMed:27534431). Links myosin VI to the Golgi complex and plays an important role in Golgi ribbon formation (PubMed:27534431). Plays a role in the activation of innate immune response during viral infection. Mechanistically, recruits TBK1 at the Golgi apparatus, promoting its trans-phosphorylation after RLR or TLR3 stimulation (PubMed:27538435). In turn, activated TBK1 phosphorylates its downstream partner IRF3 to produce IFN-beta/IFNB1. Plays a neuroprotective role in the eye and optic nerve. May act by regulating membrane trafficking and cellular morphogenesis via a complex that contains Rab8 and hungtingtin (HD). Mediates the interaction of Rab8 with the probable GTPase-activating protein TBC1D17 during Rab8-mediated endocytic trafficking, such as that of transferrin receptor (TFRC/TfR); regulates Rab8 recruitment to tubules emanating from the endocytic recycling compartment (PubMed:22854040). Autophagy receptor that interacts directly with both the cargo to become degraded and an autophagy modifier of the MAP1 LC3 family; targets ubiquitin-coated bacteria (xenophagy), such as cytoplasmic Salmonella enterica, and appears to function in the same pathway as SQSTM1 and CALCOCO2/NDP52. ; (Microbial infection) May constitute a cellular target for various viruses, such as adenovirus E3 14.7 or Bluetongue virus, to inhibit innate immune response (PubMed:27538435, PubMed:9488477). During RNA virus infection, such as that of Sendai virus, negatively regulates the induction of IFNB1 (PubMed:20174559).

Matrix Type

  • Plasma
  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • OPTN

UniProt ID

  • Q96CV9

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