Component of the centrioles controlling mother and daughter centrioles length. Recruits to the centriole IFT88 and centriole distal appendage-specific proteins including CEP164 (By similarity). Involved in the biogenesis of the cilium, a centriole-associated function. The cilium is a cell surface projection found in many vertebrate cells required to transduce signals important for development and tissue homeostasis (PubMed:33934390). Plays an important role in development by regulating Wnt signaling and the specification of the left-right axis. Only OFD1 localized at the centriolar satellites is removed by autophagy, which is an important step in the ciliogenesis regulation (By similarity).

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • OFD1

UniProt ID

  • O75665

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