RNA-binding protein Nova-1; Isoform 3 of RNA-binding protein Nova-1

Functions to regulate alternative splicing in neurons by binding pre-mRNA in a sequence-specific manner to activate exon inclusion or exclusion. It binds specifically to the sequences 5′-YCAY-3′ and regulates splicing in only a subset of regulated exons (PubMed:10811881). Binding to an exonic 5′-YCAY-3′ cluster changes the protein complexes assembled on pre-mRNA, blocking U1 snRNP binding and exon inclusion, whereas binding to an intronic 5′-YCAY-3′ cluster enhances spliceosome assembly and exon inclusion. Binding to 5′-YCAY-3′ clusters results in a local and asymmetric action to regulate spliceosome assembly and alternative splicing in neurons. Binding to an exonic 5′-YCAY-3′ cluster changed the protein complexes assembled on pre-mRNA, blocking U1 snRNP (small nuclear ribonucleoprotein) binding and exon inclusion, whereas binding to an intronic 5′-YCAY-3′ cluster enhanced spliceosome assembly and exon inclusion. With NOVA1, they perform unique biological functions in different brain areas and cell types. Autoregulates its own expression by acting as a splicing repressor. Acts to activate the inclusion of exon E3A in the glycine receptor alpha-2 chain and of exon E9 in gamma-aminobutyric-acid receptor gamma-2 subunit via a distal downstream UCAU-rich intronic splicing enhancer. Acts to regulate a novel glycine receptor alpha-2 chain splice variant (alpha-2N) in developing spinal cord (By similarity).

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • NOVA1

UniProt ID

  • P51513

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