Nucleosome assembly protein 1-like 1; Isoform 2 of Nucleosome assembly protein 1-like 1;Nucleosome assembly protein 1-like 1;Isoform 3 of Nucleosome assembly protein 1-like 1

Histone chaperone that plays a role in the nuclear import of H2A-H2B and nucleosome assembly (PubMed:20002496, PubMed:21211722, PubMed:26841755). Participates also in several important DNA repair mechanisms: greatly enhances ERCC6-mediated chromatin remodeling which is essential for transcription-coupled nucleotide excision DNA repair (PubMed:28369616). Stimulates also homologous recombination (HR) by RAD51 and RAD54 which is essential in mitotic DNA double strand break (DSB) repair (PubMed:24798879). Plays a key role in the regulation of embryonic neurogenesis (By similarity). Promotes the proliferation of neural progenitors and inhibits neuronal differentiation during cortical development (By similarity). Regulates neurogenesis via the modulation of RASSF10; regulates RASSF10 expression by promoting SETD1A-mediated H3K4 methylation at the RASSF10 promoter (By similarity). ; (Microbial infection) Positively regulates Epstein-Barr virus reactivation in epithelial cells through the induction of viral BZLF1 expression. ; (Microbial infection) Together with human herpesvirus 8 protein LANA1, assists the proper assembly of the nucleosome on the replicated viral DNA.

Matrix Type

  • Plasma
  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • NAP1L1

UniProt ID

  • P55209
  • P55209-3

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